Yes We Can Make it Happen!!

( My Opinion but it can't be replaced as a criticism piece, please read with openly mind and analyze the main points that I have introduced in this opinion piece) Thank you By ( Sumerian Bedor ) America, could either make your dream come true or you may simply continue dreaming until unknown end, and then you end up seeing yourself that you haven't accomplished what you thought yo u were going to make someday, somehow! I'm still optimistic that our youth generation could make something out of their dreams, if they really work hard, love what they are doing, and go forward to discover whats beyond comprehension, something that we could share, and be thankful for, something that can make our Arab region and American society be proud of us! However, artistically, I guess the Iraqi artists aren't that lucky enough yet to have the best chances in displaying their art, we really have a good and such a great numbers of artists who most of them have not got...