Yes We Can Make it Happen!!

( My Opinion but it can't be replaced as a criticism piece, please read with openly mind and analyze the main points that I have introduced in this opinion piece)
Thank you
By ( Sumerian Bedor )

America, could either make your dream come true or you may simply continue dreaming until unknown end, and then you end up seeing yourself that you haven't accomplished what you thought you were going to make someday, somehow!
I'm still optimistic that our youth generation could make something out of their dreams, if they really work hard, love what they are doing, and go forward to discover whats beyond comprehension, something that we could share, and be thankful for, something that can make our Arab region and American society be proud of us!
However, artistically, I guess the Iraqi artists aren't that lucky enough yet to have the best chances in displaying their art, we really have a good and such a great numbers of artists who most of them have not gotten the chance to be known internationally yet, but locally they are very well known! As much as I wish that people could pay more attention to us, and to our talented, creative people who were unfortunately and still seeking for the chance to get their masterpieces exhibited in such a professional art gallerias, or even museums.

Despite the fact of what I mentioned earlier, there was one guy made it in a different form and publicity in this matter. Ahmed Alsodani, a young Iraqi artist who was born and raised in Iraq 1975 and left the country in mid 90s, or sometime in that period and fled to Syria and from Syria to the United States, he lived almost the whole of his life in New York City.
This is a part of an article that I'm gonna summarize the main points of what's being said in there:
As how it's appearing to you everyone that this displayed picture is a photograph from a painting that has been done by Ahmed Alsodani, and in the mentioning article its been said that this particular painting has been sold in Berlin nearly or close to 1 million American dollar! Which almost non of our contemporary Arab artists has been able to sell his/her artwork close to that type of amount!
I'm personally an appreciative person who pretty much like to see anyone of her country is getting enough publicity and attention as much as they deserve! On the other hand, is it really depends on how lucky you are to be that super successful Internationally or even locally or does it takes some different processes to be supported and sponsored by specific people, ( Powerful VIP type of people ) in order to become well known artist, or well known scientist, or explorer? How much would it takes to achieve what we almost think its impossible! Nothing impossible that's totally understandable if we work harder and put all our thoughts and energy and toward them into one big dream! It could happen, but also think if you were that lucky person who has been able to get it right! There are still a lot of people who died for a dream and they couldn't reach for whatever reason!
I'm not saying that Ahmed Alsodani was only a lucky guy who have been able to market his artworks that way or the other, but I'm just trying to add what I think it's important to be clarified and well understood that we do have great artists, and we do have such a creative brains that still looking for one chance at least to be remarkable enough in the U.S, Western countries just as how they created their names by themselves independently in their country of origin :)

Congratulations Ahmed Alsodani.


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