On the anniversary of the depature of the Iraqi Poet Al-Sayyab

Today, is the anniversary of the death of the great poet Badr Shakir al-Sayyab. May his soul rest in heaven. Thought, this day shouldn't be passed without sharing this post half of it is to remind people, Iraqi people of the importance of this poet and how much his poems was a great inspiration to the young generation during his days. I wish if I could belong to his era, a lot simpler, a lot happier and culturally stronger, when there was a true definition to something called life, and love. But, for those of you who are not familiar with his name or his work; especially poetry lovers, here is a sample on one of his most popular poems called ( Rain Song ) Poem was translated from Arabic to English language by: Lena jayyusi and Christopher Middleton. Artwork by artist Sattar Kawoosh Enjoy & happy holidays everyone heart emoticon Best wishes... Bedor Alobaidi Your eyes are two palm tree forests in early light, Or tw...