Self Determination Towards Something Called Happiness

Photo credit by Rita Jacob Al-Zawiti-Chicago

Written by Bedor Alobaidi
Photo credit: Rita Jacob Al-Zawiti

Being alone sometimes cause no harm... But its definitely much better than having a worthless company with the wrong people in the wrong place.
Let your heart guides you to where you can find a true, and pure nature view
Don't dream too much of heaven ... Heaven is right here, look around you... and be thankful to mother nature, and when it becomes too dark in the middle of the night... create your own positive vibes, be more passionate, be strong, be truthful, be rightful only to yourself and walk away! If you can walk in straight forward without looking back to what you have left behind... Then you truly passed one of the most difficult and toughest lessons in life. Don't think too much...
Don't waste your time on those who only think of you or have put you as a second and temporary option, as long as you put in mind that you are a free individual not a slave for others needs and desires.
Be selfish just like them and a little bit more as the challenge starts from there and goes on until unknown period of time. Life is full of events, people, surprises, planning ahead of time will not serve the way you think is supposed to be... Though at the same time, it doesn't hurt if you draw certain goals for your future... Plan it the way you want not how others want you to be!
You can be powerful and recognized by yourself ... The crowd isn't needed, and whoever likes to stay by your side he, she will apparently be there for you... If they know you well enough, they will stay if they meant to be around you... Don't ask anyone to take a share in your happiness, because if they mistreat you in any way, they will cause a big damage to your own happiness...
Only if you let them and give them the chance to play such roll in your life, but if not... then nothing should hold you back from building and creating your own path towards happiness.


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