First Post for the Month of January, 2016

Sometimes you have to get lost in order to find where yourself at. Collect your thoughts carefully and don't be so hard on yourself, throw away all the people, memories, places, photographs that no longer exist anymore; and reset your life timer again. Believe in yourself and don't let anyone underestimate you under any condition; by the time you're working on yourself one day you will prove the opposite to those who were sending you negative vibes every time you tried to stand up on your feet and collect yourself again for a better beginning but for some reason you get to accomplish nothing because simply you are surrounded by people blocking the path you are walking into because they don't want you to grow and be productive.

Though, have you ever asked yourself for how long are they going to continue blocking your mind from the things you deserve to explore within yourself as well as the outdoor world? This question nobody can answer it except you. It is your choice to be happy or miserable. It is your choice to become a better person or worse. Its your choice to have a spirit full of positive energy or completely negative beginning from the upper part of your head down to your toes.
Try to listen to yourself for once, talk to yourself, question yourself and answer it back; that way you can determine whether you're making a progress in your life or not. Changing yourself must be done by yourself. Pay attention to the details that are related to you only, and leave the rest behind your back. But again, you still cannot take advantage of doing such thing if you are not fully aware of whatever condition you are controlled by, get rid of the obstacles first; that way you can rationally close the old chapters of your life's book and begin writing a new chapter about the new version of yourself.

Be a little selfish, weird in a good way, crazy, and only get around those who understand who you are and the moment you start feeling uncomfortable somehow, get around new faces, and be selective and motivated about the selection you are making, do it with joy and passion. Its about time to start exploring some new habits and put the old ones away from your eyes, hands, and soul. Because you deserve better start improving your life and making it even better. Set up your goals and submit to them whenever you think yourself ready to go through the rightful steps for making you a happy person. 



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