How to find and seek Hope from the most dangerous and risky circumstances in one of Baghdad’s towns.

Based on a true incident very nicely put & told by a young Iraqi artist 
Tbark Mansour 

Written by Bedor Alobaidi 

"The security guards in Baghdad, Iraq were Inspecting and searching for weapons and possibility for people hiding in our neighborhood especially if their names been mentioned for being involved in any sort of way in criminal and terrorist actions.
One of the soldiers, asked my father, I am noticing that your house is full of artwork everywhere there must be someone talented or an artist here living in this house. Finally, I can say there's hope in our people", Tbark Mansour said.

Who is Tbark Mansour? 

Tbark Mansour-Young Iraqi artist 

She is a dedicated young Iraqi woman. Lives in Baghdad, Iraq attending the Academy of Fine Arts, painting section in Baghdad.
College still in progress.

The reason why I have decided to bring up her status update and instead of sharing it, I insisted to translate it from Arabic to English, so that my American and foreign friends who are non-Arabic speakers can see and find out more about the young people from my country of origin are as bright, and intelligent as the people here and somewhere else.

People who are beautiful inside just as much as their outside look, indeed.

An example, of not just only a good friend of mine that I liked to bring up here for not making a point out of her name, and the entire post, generally speaking. 

But also, I simply liked to share with you guys a small side of the people, objects, subjects, friends, that I seek my inspiration from in my own path for becoming an independent writer, and possibly a journalist in future as I am not quite enough close to that description yet.

Tbark Mansour as well as her sister the poet Aya Mansour, and their 3rd sister Ghufran Mansour, who is also pursuing her carrier in fine arts just like Tbark, the three of them I am all proud to call them dear friends, and what makes me even more proud is that the 3 of them are on the right and bright track for becoming passionate sisters in creating art, sharing valuable and beautiful ethics and interesting philosophy about life through their passion in art. 

And what's more interesting after all what's mentioned above is that the three of them belong to a country that's sadly people if they hear about it even if it's by accident first thing that cross their minds is the land of endless war and tragedy.

This can prove us all wrong by knowing the fact that the people of Iraq were born to live as survivors, brave, talented, educated, and they dream of spreading love and peace just like every single human being in the world.

It takes optimism and insistence for letting joy, and clear hearts to continue living and sharing their voices inside and outside Iraq.


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