By Bedor Alobaidi 

#Meow 🐱 🐱 🐱 Always try to show some of your crazy, wild yet peaceful side of yourself and make it apparent to people's view, let them choose whether they decide to like you as you are in all your conditions and challenges, being comfortably fine with your time to time weirdness and don't complain about it for the sake of criticism; and from there you could see the results  if they still accept you as you are without judging your attitude then they are being true to themselves and honest with you, on the other hand! 

Meanwhile, do not put in mind other people's happiness upon your shoulders as nobody has declared that you were born to be forever worried on how to please and make others happy, and have them appreciate the little things they have before complaining on what they don't already own whether materialistically, physically or virtually.

Basically because, no matter how much you do or try hard to say that happiness doesn't come always from one source, or person! They won't take it from you with an open heart. Though, what you can do instead is that you go ahead and  worry about yourself first by thinking of the possible ways that could make you happy from the inside if you are personally not happy in your life either; knowing from a matter of fact that putting high expectations on someone or something that you think he or she will be the reason behind your smile, and comfort and from that point the wrong ideas starts coming from! 

Well, not really wrong but it's just expecting so much from a person by relying on him/her and then all the sudden that person will disappoint you by disappearing completely from your life then just imagine what would happen to you if that happens in the first place? 

Absolutely a big emotional damage. A damage that can leave you disable from getting up on your feet to have a productive day, and enjoying life even in the darkest times. 

Trust me, if inside yourself not happy and not willing to help yourself to do so then do not expect a miracle would ever happen to shift you from that specific feeling or situation into another. 

Be the miracle yourself, and start fixing your damages on your own as there is no such thing that could prove the opposite and say no you can't be the one whose responsible on creating his/her own strength and happiness. 

Be the example that others wish to follow! Forget about the obstacles, the obstacles only in your head stop them, and stop creating more of them by thinking positively about yourself, your body, your mind, your environment, your surrounds, and your day. 

Do you think that's something difficult to approach? Seriously? 

Alright, think twice, four times, or hundred of times before you say its difficult make sure to list the reason why though. Otherwise, you are not not only being ethical to others but most likely to yourself, because again yourself is what matters the most the rest follows later gradually. 



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