Someone From Another Life ( Letters From Baghdad )

Bedor Alobaidi/ Interested to ask me a question? Please go ahead. I will be more than happy to do my best in answering if it's something related to my personal knowledge. 

Leo Raiden, Iraqi Art Director, Model and actor. Photographed by: Ahmed Rasull

* In the Search of Locating The Lost Soul -  

Try to find something that looks like you. 
Try to juxtaposition those who want to have something and everything. 
Try to find your self among the passers-by and arrivals at the travel stations, and every old train that has an impact on you finds someone who looks like you is still alive. 
Look for the past with beautiful memories, and break away the dust of pain, pain, loss and homelessness. 

Try to restore to your soul the vitality of searching for your identity in the face of anyone you have not yet encountered, even through dreams, dreams are the rest and everything else is nothing but an illusion and transitory, you will forget it at your full will or will come who will make you deliberately forget about you! 
Get closer to your dream. Get closer to your other half.
You don't wait for them. The wait is too long. 
Your patience must come the day when it will be carried out on its own and from you.
He's going to run away. 

Just like you when you always run away from the ocean to go down the path of the unknown. And sometimes nothingness. 

You run away just to gather your diaspora from the sorrows you have accumulated, and your energized body was cut to the half, half lover and the other half ungrateful and reprehensible for everything that is or is doing!

He's, just like you, watched you from very far and long distance, watched your peers closely, and perfected the art of caution and escape creatively. 

He escaped and thrown himself into the safety zone, 

He's like you, and like your peers. Looking for safety and some peaceful silence through darkness, fear and isolation..
He's like you and your peers, and like the unknown to no one. 

We ran away from home. We have taken refuge in other houses that have no taste and no definition. 
The homes of alienation...
The homes of half solutions. 

Cold, rigid homes. Dark. Cruel and savage, she took us to her and forced us to be a replica of her. 
Therefore, don't judge me. 
I've only been trying to look for safety I am unable to find since the day I was born indefinitely....  


I can sense that I am someone who doesn't belong to here..
Someone born from another life and was accidently sent over to the land of the unknown ..

I am the son of sin
Unity and oblivion 
I'm the forgotten piece in this sad world.
I am everything and it's opposite at the same time

I'm migrating in my thoughts to the hidden worlds to find my true identity. Who the hell am I? 
There's a constant travel when I talk. 
When I close my eyes for a tiny bit,
When I sleep 
When I'm silent; 
When I am fighting my nightmares' 
When I am dancing with the stars, chasing my wounds and begging them to heal..
I am one of those who run naked in the streets in my daydream's and always wonder where did I come from? And from where I was running? 
From the hell, or heaven? 

And if only my overthinking can leave me alone for once, I would've been in a better place now..

A place, where only the tears of happiness enters my heart like drifting river;
But who can make this dream become true?
To be continued …..! 
Series I 

Bedor Alobaidi 

Model: Leo Raiden  @ 
Photograph Credential: Ahmed Rasull 

Inspired from: 

Leo Raiden  
Risingson Massive Attack 
Born In Winter- Gojira 



#bedoralobaidi #usa #baghdad #iraq #gojira #bornwild #massiveattack #leoraiden #ahmedrasull #photograpy #words #poem #monolouge 


  1. عاشت ايدك حبيت العنوان وحبيت فكرة الكتابة


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