Healing- By Bedor Alobaidi


One of the best moments that it’ll come to your life unexpectedly is, when you are all living with your moments and enjoy doing so without putting a plan ahead for that. Remember how many times you’ve planed for something and it didn’t go out the way you wished it did for the sake of the effort spent towards whatever thing you had to work on the past? This is literally another way to start thinking about how to change the way you used to approach anything in your life. The idea is simple, do not convert to something you aren’t comfortable or too sure about unless yourself is quite an adventurous spirit that asks you to try things in new mindset and different type of thinking. But, make sure you are doing whatever you want under pleasure not pressure then you will start sensing to notice the difference between the enjoyment of the moment and the “requirement to do it” if it’s something that you can’t feel. Please don’t force it then. Don’t force anything because that itself will not allow you to experience the process of how joy looks like. 

Think about it. Think about this openly, you will see how much of your opinions might change within the time frame you give to yourself for taking action towards a hopeful joyful moment of your life. That moment, when you could smile with hope, talk compassionately, sharing your thoughts and feelings confidently with those who give you all their ears not only to listen to what you say but rather listening with care and attention. 

It is a whole brand new belief’s system, so make sure you are creating one for yourself and another one for the receivers around you and even beyond that; so that way you can make something out of what you believe in or simply as you have been wishing and asking for so long. 

Just be ready for that  new chapter of your life journey that you are about going to take and enjoy the process of healing ❤️‍🩹 

Bedor Alobaidi 

Photo credit: Figment Art Photography



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Bedor Alobaidi/ Interested to ask me a question? Please go ahead. I will be more than happy to do my best in answering if it's something related to my personal knowledge.


  1. Wow 🤩 really really nice love it


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