The Pleasurable Void

Written and posted by Bedor Alobaidi: All content on this blog is copyrighted. It is imperative to respect this copyright when sharing any material from this blog. If you wish to share any content on social media or for educational purposes, please ensure to include my name. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or claiming of my work as your own is strictly prohibited by law. If you are interested in sharing my work, kindly quote and credit me in your publication to avoid legal consequences. By: Bedor Alobaidi Artwork by: Cannupa Hanska Luger Note* I am fine with sharing , copying and pasting my writings and words but by quoting and mentioning my name for credit. Please don’t steal and your respect and politeness in sharing is very valuable and appreciated by all means. Thanks 😊 🙏 The Pleasurable Void Things change, people change, and sometimes I find myself changing without any specific reason. It's a natural part of life, isn't it? We all have ...