Hope Is Your Compass

Hope as Your Compass: Navigating Towards True Fulfillment. 

By: Bedor Alobaidi 
Image subject to copyright. Source: Google Images. Digital art, unknown artist. 

*Written and posted by Bedor Alobaidi: All content on this blog is copyrighted. It is imperative to respect this copyright when sharing any material from this blog. If you wish to share any content on social media or for educational purposes, please ensure to include my name. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or claiming of my work as your own is strictly prohibited by law. If you are interested in sharing my work, kindly quote and credit me in your publication to avoid legal consequences.


Hope Is Your Compass 

Who do you think your true friends or companions are? I, for example, and this is not a survey or a form of madness but rather a truth that many people do not know about me, and the majority know it at the same time but deny it. I am someone who has stepped out of the classifications of unworthy comparison, unhealthy competition, jealousy, bias, and all the names that may apply. Whether due to a friend, workplace, among a group of people, or a team that wishes to present its work and ideas, it is hoped that they are a team or partners working with love and kindness, striving to produce clean and refined work, leaning towards professionalism and perfection in every attribute.

Credibility comes first in any work, any partnership, or any friendship, regardless of its type and conditions, and what follows in terms of social relationships, whether personal or professional, or both simultaneously. In this material world based on the premise of common interests, which fights you when you are an individual because you can work without contributions or interventions from anyone or involve others in your vision and directions that no one has previously noticed or has been very attentive with you, but does not want you to be a symbol of success, or the topic of people's discussions because he believes you will become the center of attention, and your performance level will noticeably rise, which gradually begins to diminish even to practical and moral bankruptcy together.

This is not an exaggeration at all; those who have gone through this situation or are still suffering from this issue will support me, as it often causes frustration, physical lethargy, fatigue, and exhaustion. At other times, one finds themselves scattered in several directions, thinking a lot about the possibilities of escaping from the painful unfair competition created by the factors of the place, competing individuals, or even external factors that may be the cause of this, and not necessarily a conspiracy that lurks and stands in wait due to a coworker, boss, society, and the atmosphere filled with continuous disputes to prove existence and reinforce your position as a peaceful person, but at the same time knows how to defend their position and voice from some people's monopolization of everything and from those with a singular vision or a narrow horizon compared to the more comprehensive ideas that transition from the vision stage to the execution stage, or achievement, if the term is correct. 

When there are effective results for the work, why not develop and move to a new stage that is broader in principle and application? This is what I found or thought for a long time was only present in Iraqi, Arab, or Islamic circles, but it turned out that the issue is the same in Western societies. Yes, there are many opportunities and several choices, but perhaps circumstances control a person's choices and fate, ultimately leading to either complete dedication to the experience of self-development in the hope that they will find a place or a community that embraces them, supports their ideas, and evaluates them based on the value of the work they put in or the ideas they seek to present, instead of tightening the noose around them for being slightly different from them.

It's not different in rights, but simply because they follow certain beliefs, or belong to a particular ethnicity, religion, or sect, that the society they found themselves in—either voluntarily or by choice—believes they are not the most suitable or worthy person to have the reputation and status that individuals from different cultures and principles enjoy. The feeling of difference is a double-edged sword; there is no third option or middle ground between the two, except for the rejected different or the welcomed different due to competence, and being seen and evaluated based on what they have presented and worked on for years.

All these atmospheres and contradictions generate a kind of pressure on a person, causing them to feel frustrated multiple times, lose their way, and perhaps even gradually lose their passion for what they love to do. How many times has this happened to me personally? Many times, to the point where I reached a stage that is closer to a sickness, with several instances of repeated failure no matter how hard I tried and the efforts I exerted. And I am not talking about absolute failure, but rather towards the development that anyone else seeks who wants to leave their comfort zone and not settle for less, both logically and actively, to seek or demand what they truly deserve based on the amount of effort and endeavors they have made to achieve a complete and noble goal that benefits both individual and public interests.

So why should a person feel diminished when they have a feeling of abundance? Why should they stop at a certain limit they cannot cross, creating obstacles in front of them without granting them the opportunity to prove the opposite to the responsible party or the individuals responsible for creating weak excuses to frustrate someone who deserves to be given a chance and to be seen with the naked eye instead of playing a normal or less than normal role, forcing them to remain stagnant or keeping them in the shadows or in a less impactful position in society?

Why does it escalate with me bit by bit, just as it does now as you read this article, which is not intended to frustrate you or remind you of the failures you have gone through repeatedly without finding an exit or a possible outlet that can save you from the idea that the road is blocked or that hope is weak, or that things might improve or change for the better? On the contrary, this is a personal initiative from me to you not to give up and surrender easily to the imaginary obstacles created for you by anyone. 

Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but I did not dare to write any line or letter here without long contemplation between myself and those I consulted about whether writing would change the feeling of impotence or raise my personal hope and that of everyone who will feel curious enough to reflect for a while and maintain hope with patience and not lose a glimmer of hope, no matter how stormy the circumstances or obstacles that happened for a reason or without reason, due to an agent or just coincidences that repeat every time. Whatever the causes, it is essential to take these circumstances as a transitional phase in thinking a little, and maybe change the course? Or follow another method or develop the tools of trying, in addition to personal skills that provide you with more experience, qualifying you for something better later. This thing may come in better circumstances or other places—not necessarily with the same people or the place where you faced indirect or even direct rejection for any reason.

Make it a challenge with yourself, not because there is someone better than you, but to develop yourself to win the bet against a person or an entire system, whatever its location or importance. Strive, listen, work on yourself more, and do not lose hope. For without hope, eternal death would be the inevitable fate of all the inhabitants of this planet. Yes, to this extent, I see in the hopeless only a semi-dead person taking their last breaths to bid farewell to their final resting place. 

So what honest expression or better comparison do you think could be made between the loss of hope and death? Please, do not die.


Bedor Alobaidi 

Bedor Alobaidi/ Interested to ask me a question? Please go ahead. I will be more than happy to do my best in answering if it's something related to my personal knowledge.

Written and posted by Bedor Alobaidi: All content on this blog is copyrighted. It is imperative to respect this copyright when sharing any material from this blog. If you wish to share any content on social media or for educational purposes, please ensure to include my name. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or claiming of my work as your own is strictly prohibited by law. If you are interested in sharing my work, kindly quote and credit me in your publication to avoid legal consequences.


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