This is me every time I see someone acting like a total stranger once they see me often out that I am supposed to be. I will not comment on who those people are, they know themselves very well and I think reading this post should makes it’s point and get the message out to them pretty simple. A little brief about me for those who don’t know me, barely knows me or have known me for years and decided to stop knowing who I am as a preference or change of interest, which is something I have started to accept hardly because I care for my people in a core level and of course it would bother me. It would bother me if I see someone gets bothered by me when I say the truth and they view it as a gossip because they are not used to truth and they like it to be fake because it looks like that’s the way how their mind sets works. It bothers me because it will put me in a situation Where I must come up with excuses or prof of evidence if I tell them that you’re best friend, colleague have behav...