Dreams in the Shadows

Dreams in the Shadows By Bedor Alobaidi Photographed by: Joelle Blanchard-Figment Art Photography. Longing comes in the form of delayed waves... it does not cool, its rivers do not dry up, and it does not die to the point of disappearance. Longing is renewed by a word, a whisper, or a picture from memories; even casual conversation is revitalized in half a minute if one of the hearts beats for the other. Then one called the other with calmness and steadiness, attractive and elegant in his silence that expresses much of his exceptional qualities. She thought he was truly longing for her, but the coldness of the replies killed the eagerness between them in mere seconds. Thus, she is a dreamer, and he plays the role of the controller as usual; no expression dares to escape his lips for her, nor can he shed the role of the virtuous city man from his character, which is almost defined by a mixture of arrogance and pride, with a complete lack of understanding. A man cl...