This song has been in my head, my soul, and my heart almost for 2 weeks till now!!can't stop listening to it, Anytime everywhere same one the reason why maybe because it represents several views of experience and chapters of what happened during the war and what is happening after that year until this moment!! Can't believe how people shouting to our ears about things that never happened in reality!! They lie on themselves by telling now we have the complete freedom, lol on what? It's something funny to hear and it hurts at the same time.. The freedom of bleeding the Democracy of scariness, Tragedy & suffering!! At some point me and all of you we will get the sense of Faith, Hopes, & Peace, BY just giving the chance to yourself to think
positively about the present and the future
Take what is useful and important lessons from the past and making it better by changing those to your personal believes if it's going to put some sunny touches on it, then you should go for it and don't give up for any reason. I'm not asking you to do the impossible things to change it might be something that is closely related to you ( Family, Education, Lover, Husband & wife, goals of interests, draw the lines of success step by step , make from yourself someone active and creative both of them at the main time!!

Your Mind use it with your heart both of them are just completing each other.Do not separate them they work, they feel, and they stop together. I'm not a philosopher but I'm giving you the right side of that and making it easy for you... Take it as an , don't through it away,or leave it by giving up and it's not hard to start working on them. Seriously, if we don't pay much attention to what we have right now? Then it will be so difficult to reach the goal from a very far distance.. Don't waste it for any reason, and if the whole thing just related to the Freedom? Then make you own LAW of freedom  justice, success, love and compassion. Okay Just wake up from your sleeping beauty let us feel that you are human that you were born and raised to carry the message that it came from your accomplishments and the passion attitudes.
(ITS TIME TO Wake UP!!! ).
Finally, I would like to ask you after reading the lyrics of this song and listening to it at the same time is to think with me what type of imaginary  would come to your mind draw the picture, photograph it, pick any famous or unknown image from anywhere you feel it's easy for you to find, anything that's probably doesn't make much sense to most people but somehow it's presenting you based on your feelings and imagination. Simply you can do this pictures either by Pretending  the image that it comes into your mind and just describing it by words or post the link of that picture if it's available between your hands when you would be interested to put a Certain  comment regarding to this note!
Now Lets all us read the Lyrics for a little bit and understand then the next step is you going to click on the link song and listen then you will be able to come up with any ideas or feelings while you're listening and think about how you can draw your own image. As you've been following this note here's the lyrics of the song that's written by 2 members of the band ( ( Art & Hassan ) ): Enjoy!

When you were gone
I couldn't bear the pain
The thought I had
Was we'll never see you again
To join the war they called you
For honor and faith they told you
You will fight

Stranger in a place
You don't know what you'll face
You long for love, but no one to embrace
Your mother's prayer will save you
I'm sure you'll stand there like
The hero, yes, yes you are

You're everywhere surrounding me
With love and care like you used to be
Your son will grow, but you will not be there
While seasons come and go, this is unfair
War took you away from me

Who justifies, gives reasons for people's pain?
Had we the choice to play such a brutal game
Speak to me I ask you
Don't take my hand and say you'll be fine
You won't be fine

You're everywhere surrounding me
With love and care like you used to be
Your son will grow, but you will not be there
While seasons come and go, this is unfair
War took you away from me

How far we need to go to clear the world from hate?!
No answer seems to come, this is unfair
 Have you finished reading? Then it's time to enjoy the song

UTN1 - War 


  1. عاشت الايادي عزيزتي بدور.. قطعة جميلة ومقدمة رائعة لأغنية الفريق العراقي العربي اليو تي ان وان بعنوان الحرب! لقد جسدتي القصة بشكل فعال ومعبر.. فكأنني قرأت عنم قصة واقعية والاغنية قصة أخرى مكملة لما كتبتيهِ انتي!
    أرجو منك ان تستمري على هذا النهج والطرح في الكتابة لأنني متأكدة انك تمتلكين القدرة بان تكوني مشروع كاتبة مميزة يوماً من الايام وسيقرأ لك الكثير من الناس لأنك تمتلكين الحس الابداعي.
    أحسنتِ بالفعل

    سارة عبد الكريم

    1. شكراً جزيلاً عزيزتي سارة على هذا الاطراء الجميل والرأي الاجمل بحق فريق اليو تي ان وان وبحق ما كتبت .. انه شيء بسيط وحتماً سأعمل ما بوسعي لأرتقي لمستوى كتابة افضل وكذلك سأعمل على كتابة مقالة خاصة للفريق قريباً..
      شكراً لمتابعتكِ وتشجعيك لي



  2. Good job Sumerian.. and keep up the good work! Proud of you bint beladi ... and all the best to the Iraqi band UTN1.
    I hope you cover more updates and write about their journey as well. I'm sure you will do well in that, too.

    Best of luck.

    1. Thank you dear follower,

      I appreciate your support and surly I will come up with a new article that talks about the bands journey and their members, too!
      But that's due soon hopefully! You just need to check my blog from time to time to see if I have already posted an article about their own experience in music world or not!

      Thanks again!


  3. Hey Sumerian, nice one.. UTN1 is my favorite band after another band that's been my favorite for a long time now that's named by Mashrou3 Leila! Which I hope you can take an advantage from them them and write about them and their experience as well.

    best regards!

    Samy Nabil

    1. Hi Samy,

      Thanks a lot for your comment and I'm glad that you enjoyed reading this piece about your favorite band the UTN1.
      I will be looking forward to write about Mashrou3 Leila and publish it up here soon as well!

      Many thanks in advance.


  4. Nice! And good luck to you Sumerian.

  5. Good one, and we would like to see another topic about the UTN1 into more like an article form!

    But overall, it a nice one!
    Thanks for sharing Sumerian.

    1. I will soon Inshallah!
      Thanks for your concern and following my blog!
      Appreciated it..


  6. عاشت الايادي يا سومرية موضوع قيم.. وتحية لليو تي ان وان صوت الشباب الحر الواعي والمثقف.


    أحمد عدنان من سوريا

  7. Bravo Bedora..
    wish you all the best.. I liked this piece after Alexandra photography to be honest! I'm not into politics that much. But this one has a lot of hopes and you just wrote about really talented people as well! I'm glad your taking the right and the important steps to accomplish!

    Waiting to read more from your writings soon my dear!

    Love you and proud of you 7bebity!


  8. Nice band, good introduction from you Sumerian!

    I also liked the other songs of this band such as, hold one, you can't deny! Wish them best of luck and successful future wherever they are :)

    Thanks for the post Sumerian....

  9. nice intro
    and good song from these young talented guys.

    God bless!

  10. words of wisdom right there. Like.

  11. And who the hell do you think yourself to give us such a leason on how we love, respect and work together, thats crap. I feel sorry for you and for others who no nothing about writing hehrhe poor you sumerian

    thats just me being honest :p

  12. The band members and the song also are nice
    Ur note is almost like an educational text and I don't think that we are that dump in order for you to come and give us such a lectur on life I think whoever is using the internet browser is knowlegbale enough to learn about different things without any need for your leasons hahaha you just need someone to wake you up sweetie not more or less than that lol

  13. I'm very disappointed by the attacky language that some of the participants have posted over here, I don't think there's something wrong or bad of Sumerian's post! I think she shared a beautiful moments, and I can tell there's some personal vibe added to that piece as well! For those who said such an offensive words and comments I think you guys are better to be outta here and shut your mouths, cause she didn't harm any of you by her words.. So, I can't see a real and a strong reason to make some of you just explode your hate with no sense!

    Really if you don't have something to add or nice to say then keep your mouth shut.
    I don't know Sumerian very personally, but I remember that I met her someday, and I remember how nice young beautiful woman she was, and I really enjoy her writings and opinions personally!
    If anyone wants to leave some notes in order to make Sumerian improving then nothing is bad or wrong with that, but if you are welling to leave such a rude, and nasty crapy comments then you better go and find somewhere else to put all that types of stupidity in there, which I am sure you could find such a page that's selfish, and cheap enough to throw your trashy, worthless opinions in! And if some doesn't know where then I'm more than ready to guide for some sites and links in case you are dump and blind enough to go and look for your own! ( For real ) ;)

    All the best Sumerian and to these young guys as well.
    Well done blog generally, and I'm looking forward to read more of your future posts soon!



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