The Champions of The World Did it again for the 4th Time. Well Done Germany


By Bedor Mosa Alobaidi

Congratulations and 100 billion congrats for Germany on winning the World Cup for 2014. It was such a historical achievement by all meanings. without forgetting that what we have watched for the past few hours was based on the first attached picture in this post, which is an obvious example for most of us soccer fans and whatever the results would turn out, we also know what are some of the reasons behind the German's success over the years.

The Champions of the world deserved to win the World Cup for the 4th time, indeed. 

As a matter of fact,the super star of this game was ( Mario Goetze ) who scored in the 113th minute to give Germany a 1-0 victory over Argentina in the championship game of the World Cup on Sunday at Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro.
It is the fourth title for Germany, tying Italy for second most. Host Brazil, which lost to Germany, 7-1, in the semifinals has five championships.

Mario Gotze: The one who gifted his country and the all the people around the globe, this World


However, I do love the Argentinian team deeply, and I think they have preformed extremely well in today's game, maybe it was one of the best match's I have ever watched for them during this mondial in particular, from my point of view.
They were close to get it,too and we all know how many times they have lost the chance to score more than one goal against Germany in this intense game, but apparently the luck wasn't in their side either. 
In general, both teams deserve wining the "World Cup" and both of them did pretty awesome job, for sure :)

Messi dribbles away from Hummels.

"Argentina forward Rodrigo Palacio misses a chance in extra time."

Aside from that, Lionel Messi was sparking like a valuable, pricey jewel as usual and like any other game he has played throughout the entire competition and of course even before the mondial ; Barcelona best example on this, indeed.

Personally, I think words really aren't enough to describe the genius "Messi" on how good and dedicated he is for his team not only in the final game, but generally speaking he has preformed extremely well on the playground for uncountable times especially during the most heated, and difficult games he has played in with his Argentinian team against the other teams in World Cup. And apparently, that itself came in as a result that he did deserve get crowned the " Golden Ball" as the best player for the final game and overall games, generally speaking!

Its true that we all have noticed how Messi face reactions weren't so pleasant and that was shown clearly for thousands, and millions of people today, which is understandable why he acted like that because he felt in such a heavy responsibility for not wining the World Cup, apparently. But all of his fans and lovers including me, we all agree that he has done a very good job in the final match no matter what the results are, but believe it or not he is still number one player in the world's eyes and as how the logic may say at the end, too.

The Argentinian Team and such hard moments ever 

The adidas Golden Ball winner is Argentina's Lionel Messi.

 Not to mention that one of my relatives and best friend of mine- Hussien Alsaadi, has posted the following "complimentary" on his Facebook account after the game was over and the translation of what he said is:

"Some hate you because you are the most, best player and they put you in comparison with other teams because you by yourself represent a perfect and a complete team. They may not like you, because you are the only one who owns 4 golden balls in the world. They get jealous from you no matter what you do your own fans and lovers will still love you more and more."
"#Messi is the best player in the world, and Germany is the best team in the world." Alssadi, posted.

Simply that was just only one and humble example of one soccer fans complimenting on how good and awesome Leo Messi is, no matters what the people say about him, which I surly support and what it has been said above, indeed.

In conclusion, I finally would like to take the opportunity and congratulate the world again and all my German friends, supporters including myself for this victory, we all deserve to end this day with a such cheerful smile and also keep in mind how crazy this mondial was from the very beginning until it's all done. Although, I still think it's too bad that we will no longer going to see any more games tomorrow or after, because this was it.

 The German team and their Goalkeeper Manuel Neuer who have also won the Golden Glove for 2014

1954. 1974. 1990. 2014. Congratulations Germany on winning your 4th #WorldCup title!

Pictures source:

* FIFA WORLD CUP, Facebook page

Much love
Thank you


  1. That is brilliant! I really enjoyed reading your article, it is perfect with cohesion and coherence and also the easy reading language, I am so proude of you Bedor and thank you for mention my name among your friends' list x

  2. very informative article, enjoyed reading it! :)


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