Facts that Proves you are not alive

love is forbidden talk is forbidden eye connection is forbidden worshiping God is forbidden Following your heart is forbidden Freedom of speech is forbidden freedom of choice is forbidden dreams are forbidden singing in the streets forbidden To drink and yell from the highest point of a mountain is forbidden In other words, You cannot love, you cannot talk, you cannot see, you cannot worship your God, you cannot follow your heart, you cannot have freedom of speech, you cannot choose, you cannot sing in the streets, you cannot drink and yell from any place!! And even in better words, you were born as a slave, grew up as a slave, lived a great deal of your life is a slave, and probably the you going to spend whatever left for you from years just like that if not worse... Worse as an empty soul, breathing, talking, and sleeping, going to school, going to your workplace and still you feel something is missing, Something called life is missing..... You are not cons...