Once Upon a time, The Key of the World got Lost from Me

I lost the key to the world since the day I was born
They told me welcome to this world we are so happy to have you in
But it never felt the same to me
I didn't say a word, of course, because I was still a baby 
listening to bunch of words, and uncountable noises
The words did make no sense to me when I grew up but the noises did make some sense, one the other hand!
Don't ask me, how, and when did that happen, because I myself don't know the answer to that!

When I grew up, I started reading history in school, I was excited back then
I was excited because the cover color of the history book was red
And red was my favorite color,
but nobody told me you are going to be afraid of your favorite color little by little and you will be remembering that until the rest of your life
Nobody gave me a warning sign 
Maybe because nobody cares and they preferred to realize that by myself in a way or another
They preferred to see me handle shocking events all alone
No support from anyone
They heard my cries and non of them bothered himself to ask what's going on!!
They heard my silence and they were not surprised by that either
Don't know if it was all expected or not
And I never realized the red color will go through amazing transformation and become one of the most challenging colors in the universe
Never thought of it as a sign of blood and bloody history
Pain relief doesn't help me to accept the fact of getting rid of my color all the sudden
Pain relief still refuse to heal me from the invalid images I had seen in some of my sleepless nights

And I said such thing and kept repeating it over an over throughout my life and nobody seemed to be interested to hear my fears....
Only few strangers saw them walking barefoot in one of Baghdad's nights, were able to talk to me as lively individuals
I randomly joined them for a walk and asked them about my fears from the madness of red
They smiled and said, don't worry live your day normally or create unusual day to yourself, perhaps a world
Surround yourself with a world that brings the best out of everything you see through your life and enjoy it 
Enjoy it by yourself, and if you see others are not willing to give you company while enjoying your little world
leave them, and keep moving on
Walk and let your eyes connected to the sky
to the moon and to the stars,
to the sunrise and to the sunset,
And don't worry about the past
your past thoughts, dreams or any nightmares you used to have, you said you've lost the key to the world and you failed to find it anywhere!
Leave such thoughts behind you....
How about if we tell you that you never lost it nor you going to find it anytime soon either!
The key is within yourself, its inside you
You need to find it in your soul
Your soul is the lost one not the key, once you are able to figure out where your soul is currently at then the key will find its way to you...
Keep looking, keep searching, keep smiling, keep dancing, keep singing, keep laughing, keep breathing, keep shining, keep inspiring, keep loving yourself and your surroundings....
Let the joy enter your heart in whatever makes you happy..
Your happiness is they key to survive your day
Your willingness for searching your identity is the key to enter the world...
Red still beautiful, look at it in a different way, with a new perspective and new language..
Throw away all the old stories and disconnect yourself from reality
Think about your dreams and live your dream as if it's real
This is how you are going to have a beginning and a meaning to your life...

So keep dreaming and turn your dream into reality
Change the past and improve it to become a better one... Work it out the way you like not how others want..

Fear nothing and keep moving towards the world you want to see yourself in. 
Now, after we told you where you could possibly find the lost key, you should keep it in a safe, secret place.. 
Don't tell anyone about it, because it might get lost again and perhaps you already got sick of spending half of your life searching for the unknown, aren't you? 



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