Facts that Proves you are not alive

love is forbidden
talk is forbidden
eye connection is forbidden
worshiping God is forbidden
Following your heart is forbidden
Freedom of speech is forbidden
freedom of choice is forbidden
dreams are forbidden
singing in the streets forbidden
To drink and yell from the highest point of a mountain is forbidden

In other words,

You cannot love, you cannot talk, you cannot see, you cannot worship your God, you cannot follow your heart, you cannot have freedom of speech, you cannot choose, you cannot sing in the streets, you cannot drink and yell from any place!!

And even in better words, you were born as a slave, grew up as a slave, lived a great deal of your life is a slave, and probably the you going to spend whatever left for you from years just like that if not worse... Worse as an empty soul, breathing, talking, and sleeping, going to school, going to your workplace and still you feel something is missing,
Something called life is missing.....

You are not considered alive if you don't practice what you love, you have been practicing the things you were told to do so,
Try to get a life,
Try to make small difference and caught up whatever you have missed in the past...
You only live once,  and remember that nobody died from the extreme happiness
But a numerous amount of people died from wars, alcohol, daily routine, daily routine, daily routine, and daily routine, and some other heart diseases that were also caused from the daily routine..

Do something, it will not be counted as little
It will not be considered as nothing
throw away all the bad thoughts and prepare yourself for a change
Break the walls that are blocking the image from your vision
Break them,
Keep breaking,
You will get to something eventually,
Something called a path,
A path you have been waiting for so long,

Don't worry if you see yourself standing all alone by yourself,
Don't get distracted by the idea of being alone means your weak,
Weakness is the way of how you think,
Careful from building another walls without even getting the sense of what you are doing,
Fight hard, life is a big fight, you've lost a lot in the past,
But, you can be a winner today if you want to,
By not moving an inch from where you're at, you won't get much done in your life,
Let the inspiration be your motivation,
And don't allow anyone to kill that motivation no matter how small it might look
You the one who can decide whether it's worth it or not
Enough circumstances, and think a little of yourself,
set yourself free from fears,

And try to wake up tomorrow on something different,
Make it look different, whatever that thing it is,
It is between your hands to turn things out towards you,
And nobody else's can except you...
Little by little you will notice some difference ... and after that go bigger and jump out the lines
Jumping out of lines is the real start of exploration,
Be the person you always dreamed to be and people didn't seem to believe that you could be that one someday, somehow!
Prove them wrong and start your journey....
Start however way you believe its good for yourself...

Do it ...Do it ..... Do it ... JUST DO IT
IS that too much to ask for?



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