Habits of happy people, forget, forgive, & give thanks

Summery of an Online research

Are you happy? Can you increase your happiness? 
Here are few habits that, if you you think or try to put in your mind to adopt them, they will enhance your happiness. 

Positive Attitude is a number one cause of happiness. Having a positive attitude and smiling often will help you deal with life better and attract more people to you. 
Be Inspired by, not jealous of, those around you who are successful. Success is not a coincidence, and being inspired by others' success will propel you to move forward. 

Don't play the blame game. Bad things happen to everyone. Take responsibility and deal with your problems. Besides, no one wants to hear bad stories more often. 

Exercise blasts stress. Nothing conquers stress like exercise. It boosts your body and your mood and fosters positive energy. 

Forgive and forget. It is sometimes not easy to forgive or forget, but forgiving means moving on and starting a new chapter in your life. You owe it to yourself. Life is too short. 
Forget about the past. Some people remember years of sorrow. It only wrinkles their faces and hearts. Learn from your mistakes and move on. 

Give thanks. Focusing on your sorrow makes you forget your blessings. Most likely you are a lot more blessed then you think, and all you need to do is to count your blessings by appreciating and being thankful to what you already have not what you've lost or been taken away, or gone from you.
Draw a line on a piece of paper and put your blessings on one side and your sorrows on the other sheet. You will be surprised that no matter how bad life is treating you, your blessings are at least twice as many as your challenges. 

Keep smiling ☺️



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