Opinion Piece: An Open Invitation To The Self To Be True

Bedor Alobaidi/ Interested to ask me a question? Please go ahead. I will be more than happy to do my best in answering if it's something related to my personal knowledge. 

Over the time, perhaps over the last couple years I have been discovering many little things that I haven’t Paid attention to for whatever reason was in the past which kept me busy with other things in life rather than spending time on the little things that could just tell me few words about what path I’m talking, or used to take and leaded me to almost nowhere which is something I am not afraid or feel hesitant to tell and to express it all out. It is not a secret, and it not something big either; but just the realization of what I have missed in the past whether I’ve done it myself purposely or not, whether it was something I had control on or absolutely not. Still, the idea is all about restoring the old “Me” for really long time, sometimes there is not anything exciting about it.. But it is worth it, if me personally or anyone else to overlooking some of the things that used to play a part in the order of how my life pattern looked like years ago until the present time. And for those who know me on a personal level, and been close to me at some level or somehow had a direct connection and contact with me in the past couple years they know well what I mean and what I’m talking about... 

Bedor Alobaidi 

It’s all about the underground growth and the personal transformation I have been seeing myself going through on my own due to a place, time, reasons, family, friends, people, situations, hardships, best moments, and heartbreaking moments that took me years to overcome and trying to recover from... 

It’s about the ups and downs that I have dealt with also on my own and never bothered to share it with people around me, or picking up the phone and start talking to someone, somebody I feel he or she will listen to me and make the effort to listen.. As, I have been always a good listener to so many people who passed through my life and when I try to look for someone to just listen, I still have them available  (thank goodness), yet I get back again to my isolation and prefer not sharing nor talking  about myself from the inside and it’s never about insecurities,  but more likely it is about something that has been missing and never understood why is that keep happening to me and will I ever see a final ending to that ongoing puzzle 🧩 that kept me wondering all the time, what do I really want to do or even approach in this life whether on a personal level, or as an individual who likes to see herself engaged in any community, but a community that accepts my mentality, attitude, and stories even if they are considered a nonsense to some people, I mean think about it for a second but really why not? 

Lots of things been playing an interesting games into my head , and even my wonders they never stopped   at any level, instead, I see them increasing day by day and in a good way of course nothing beyond the normal or leads to unnecessary worries especially for the ones who tried to reach me multiple times and didn’t get to them on time, or maybe they already started feeling I somehow began to withdraw from them or I have been ignoring them for any reason, because that’s not true. 

I just took a very long break for my own sake, to think about myself a little, to look after myself and see what I want to do, and what I want to approach or even try practicing what I’m willing to approach at the same time.

Sometimes, we all need that (self-break) to figure ourselves out, to see who we truly think ourselves are, and what’s our mission to ourselves first then the rest of priorities will follow respectively.... 

Peace ✌️ out to you all everyone, stay safe, and safe again, and healthy, don’t concentrate too much about happiness, you will get it and gain it eventually once you reach the first 2 in the first place and keep them by your side as much as you can, and as much as God’s wants. 


#bedoralobaidi #bedor_alobaidi 


  1. You are such wonderful lady with bif heart and kind soft soul, miss all your thought.



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