Unlocking the Power of Change

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Bedor Alobaidi/ Interested to ask me a question? Please go ahead. I will be more than happy to do my best in answering if it's something related to my personal knowledge. 

Reconnecting with Yourself and Creating the Life You Desire

By Bedor Alobaidi 

Illustration: Unknown artist. Google images-source. 

Some people have the power to change you the moment you see their smile. Their smile can be the medicine you need. These individuals are exceptional and unlike anyone else. As you go about your day, you may come across these people, especially if you visit specific places for the first time. Unexpected moments can be found in unfamiliar places because you may have been playing it safe for a long time, thinking that what you were doing was secure and aligned with your comfort level. However, after a while, you may become frustrated because you have stayed in your comfort zone for too long, creating a habitual reality that is hard to escape from.

We often use the easiest excuse to postpone plans or decline invitations "politely" because we are tired. But ask yourself, how tired are you really? If you're not completely exhausted, why not give it a try? Especially if it's something that may happen more than once, you might find yourself complaining about life and feeling frustrated because you have kept yourself away from what contributes to your well-being and brings positivity to your life.

Every day, you find yourself pushing through life and fulfilling responsibilities. These responsibilities are not just occasional; they need to be fulfilled every day. This applies to those with families as well as those who are single and only concerned about having a secure job that pays the bills. Even if you are focused on other aspects of your life such as schooling or a favorite hobby, it is important to socialize. Socializing may not happen overnight, but if you plan ahead, you can avoid any interference with other plans on your schedule.

This leads to the topic of money management and how you can plan for social events, gala nights, private parties, or any other entertainment that may be happening in your town. By being mindful of your spending habits and saving for these activities, you can attend events without worrying about breaking the bank. It is important to find the most convenient way to manage your finances and save for these experiences.

I share these thoughts with you in the hope that they can open up possibilities for you to reconnect with yourself and pursue what your inner self is yearning to do. Take the time to explore what you have been missing the most, whether it's receiving a nice compliment from a stranger or making new contacts for future reference and collaboration. This can help decrease social isolation and anxiety that may have held you back for a long time.


You may have felt trapped in a repetitive cycle of loneliness and self-doubt, but it all starts with at least one positive thought, even if it's just once in a while. Try it and see how your life might start shifting after taking that first step towards positive change. 

And I can assure you, based on personal experience, that nothing bad will happen. Stop hiding and start creating the type of life you wish for.

Bedor Alobaidi 


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