Hilda Hiary, an Arab artist who dreams of Freedom and Peace

As we may know and became familiar with, cultural instruction influenced the evolution of modern art in the West. Exploration, the colonial system, and other trading relationships brought the art of many cultures into Western Museums and collections. Thus, the art of Africa, Asia, the Pacific, Native America, and Islamic lands all influenced modern art at various times.

This visual exchange went in both directions. Artists around the world were also exposed to the art and and culture of the West, and soon they began to borrow and reinterpret what they saw, adding elements of Western art to their own traditional styles. Generally speaking, modern artists outside the West were more interested in using art to explore cultural and national identity than were modern artists in Europe. Formal experimentation for its own sake was rare outside the West. 

Most artists experimented with modern styles as they searched for new ways to express their roots and explore their lives. Nevertheless, today in this story article we will examine some related examples to the Western modern art but it's going to be more specifically about the modern art and it's artists in the Middle East. 

Now,not too far from the first two introductory paragraphs,let's examine the pain along with human suffrage from an artist's point of view. We all have experienced pain physically or emotionally in one form or other. 

Pain inevitable but suffering is optional. There is no gain without pain, and no pain without beauty, or an artistic form to interpret suffer visually and developing the darkness into a large scale canvases and let the story talks about itself and the audience watch Hilda's festival of colors. "Art is a reflective mirror" of  what we feel and go through, as well as a witness of history. Knowing for a fact, beautiful art really does "reflect on how we feel differently and writing down history strongly."

"Deconstruction" Acrylic on Canvas

From my own personal perspective this is how I actually can see and describe Hilda Hiary's artworks and get to emphasis some of the main points that I'm really interested to indicate & summarize about Hilda's style and special techniques that makes her the number one Arab artist in modern art not only in her country of origin, but also around the Middle East and internationally, too. 


The Jordanian artist Hilda Hiary, is one of the most important Arab artists depicting the spirit of nationalism and patriotism for the Arab countries, the countries that got torn down, and destroyed by injustice and oppression, war, poverty, and the people who become immigrated everywhere in this big world. 

She always speaks up her mind, which means we can simply see what kind of messages she wants us to receive and understand. 

Her creative, and unique imagination has been shown clearly in her large-scaled paintings and obviously over there where you can see how the ongoing political events played the biggest role in her figures, subjects, colors, themes and so on. Hilda basically uses her art to express the frustration that so many citizens in her region feel. 

The concept of freedom and the meaning of it is highly represented in her artwork because that's where Hilda belongs to. Without forgetting to mention that the Arab woman has never been forgotten or missed in her paintings. The woman suffering, weakness and sorrows, and all sorts of fears that any woman may end up going through is effectively placed in her recent work. 

Artist Hilda Hiary 

But, she also shows us the bright side of the Arab women and how they can achieve self-development and liberate themselves from oppression and slavery thoughts and and beliefs, especially in the non-liberal and closed societies in the Middle East.

"Prisoner" Acrylic on Canvas 

Now, aside from politics, social conflicts and all the crazy complications that has been going forever in the Arab region, Hilda really hopes that through her art she can show the world a different side of the Middle East than what they are usually used to seeing. 
Knowing for a fact that through Hilda's lively, cheerful, colors and despite all sorts of human suffering and destruction that she often paints about; she's still believe that the present is still beautiful in many different ways and the future will somehow going to be different, and possibly better for the next generations to represent their cases openly and fight for their own liberty and freedom in all aspects of life.

Hilda Hiary artwork

"Amman" Acrylic on Canvas 

Hilda Hiary- Highlights:

Born in Amman Jordan 1969 

Graduated from University of Jordan BA Sociology and Political Science 1990

Another BA of Fine Art (prints Making) Zitouna University 2003.

Libya by artist Hilda Hiary

To know more about Hilda's artistic journey,and artworks then please don't hesitate to visit the following link:



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