IRAQ Was there Strongly in Season 2. The Iraqi Staar Saad crowned as the winner of the Voice Arabia 2014

First: The taste of the victory in summery

Iraqis had 50 percent chance of winning the title of The Voice, and they did...Star Saad, took home the trophy and it brought some joy in the lives of many in Iraq and outside. He also was under the banner of Iraqi coach and judge Kadem Al Saher. The 23 year old charismatic singer, he is certainly known as the youngest on board and compared with other shows he is still very young.  

Little brief about Staar's life and how it used to be like 

before he entered the Voice competition

Staar Saad belongs to a simple family where he worked with them in decorations career,  which is also the family business back in Baghdad. He was supporting his family when he was at age 16 along with his brothers from the youngest to the oldest brother as well as his parents, too. However, Staar found his heart in the music biz, and now he gets to have his moment under the sun. The stage was a mess, and it felt like the fireworks were missing, but the guy who so happy and had his country's flag. One thing, the guy who won the title before him has yet to breakout. 

Star has a manly voice, that excels in singing the blues... he also sings for Iraq and his voice makes tears cheap when he does the mawal, you cannot go wrong.  

Brief about the Voice Program

The Voice: Ahla Sawt (The Voice أحلى صوت) is an Arabic television show based on the popular Dutch show The Voice of Holland created by John de Mol and produced by Talpa Media Group. The first season of Arab World's version of The Voice made its debut on September 14, 2012, and was broadcast worldwide from the Beirut, Lebanon, studios of MBC Group. The main host is Egyptian actor Mohammad Kareem among with Ameh Sayah and Nadine Njeim is the backstage host.

The format of the The Voice: #أحلى_صوت has three stages: the blind auditions, the battle rounds, and the live performances. In the blind auditions, each contestant is allowed to sing for 90 seconds with the coaches all having their backs to the singer. When a coach wants a singer on their team, the coach presses a red button that results in the chair being turned around to reveal who the singer is to that coach and an option for the singer to join their team. If two or more coaches turn around for that singer, the singer gets to decide which team they want to join. Each coach will have to select 12 singers to form their team from a group of 100 contestants.Once the blind auditions finish, the battle rounds will begin where the coaches will pair two singers on each team to compete against each other singing the same song on stage. The coaches will then have to decide which contestant will stay and which will be eliminated. After a series of eliminations, live performances will occur where the public can decide which singer will represent the Arab World as "The Voice."The winner of season 1 "The Voice Ahla Sawt" was Murad Bouriki from Team Assi who received the highest number of votes beating out Yousra Mahnouch, Farid Ghannam, and Qusai Hatem.MBC renewed the show for a second season which started airing on 28 December 2013. All 4 coaches of season 1 are back for season 2.During an intense finale which drew millions of viewers across the Middle East and saw guest star Ricky Martin take the stage to perform his new songs “Adrenalina” and “Come With Me, Iraq's Sattar Saad from Team Kazem won the title after receiving the highest number of votes beating out Iraq’s Simor Jalal, Egypt’s Waham and Syria’s Hala Al Kaseer.

The story of support. Why Staar Saad? 
Writer's Opinion 

As a matter of fact, I would like to mention and indicate few things here for my readers and everyone who will get to read and share this article with friends, and social media that one of most strongest reasons why I put all my attention and focus to support Staar from the very beginning was because I had a feeling that he was special for some reason when he first came up on the stage and got accepted in the blind auditions, I don't know why he got all my attention since then or maybe because it was my first time seeing a young singer all smiling while he was performing in front of the coaches with pretty high confidence. 

But, not only that as I got really encouraged to do a little of research about his background then kept watching, and following the press along with social media sites to see if they ever talked about him before he entered the voice program. So, I found out that he came all the way from Baghdad, Iraq and flee to Lebanon for auditioning part and once he got accepted and chose to join and be with the very famous Arab singer Kazem Al-Saher team back then. 

From my own perspective, I had pleasure supporting him through social media sites such as Facebook, instagram and twitter as well as in the press when I have written an article in Arabic titled by :( Ahla Souat and the Iraqi talents ). The article was first published in an Iraqi independent newspaper called Panorama that issues from  Sidney, Australia after that it was also published in other sites and publication between USA and some other western countries,too.


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