One Quick Question-Followed by Period.

I just have a question that I've been trying to find any reasonable and logical answer to go with or at least something more likely make some sense to normal people. 
Can someone explain to me what does the Iraqi press and media do for Iraq, today? Most TV stations talks about the endless victories of the shameful government while we all know that in reality non of what they say is not true. I feel like there is zero responsibility from the people who works for this type of unreliable, crazy media..
They do such an incredible job to brainwash people's mind, and all of that for what? All of it comes together simply to make the people stand for bunch of losers and believe their lies for more than 12 years now and unfortunately I see no efforts from our youth generation or anybody back home or anywhere else is really willing to change the ugly image of the modern backward country that it used to be called and known as Iraq in the past. Sorry for my hopeless post everyone, of course I don't mean to make an insult like how some people think because at the end, I still belong to Iraq, and speak its language and proud to be from there. Regardless, if you agree or disagree with me here but can't you stop for few seconds and think with yourself and even be able to ask yourself the same question and see if this is the type of country and type of freedom, and type of living you were willing to see someday in your country??
And honestly to make it even easier for you let me sum up my statement this way:
Believe it or not, what we see now is not a country but it's more like unknown land from the legendary era. A land that I'm afraid to wake up one day and see it disappearing gradually and during that time we can't blame anyone except ourselves, because simply we are all responsible and in charge of that loss.

But from now until that happens, I have no other words to add except



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