Sama & Haya Abu Khadra and the Fashion World

By Bedor Alobaidi

The Palestinian twins Sama and Haya, been pretty famous by their unique, and classical beauty. Even Karl Lagerfeld did compliment them and photographed them for one of Chanel projects. So, obviously the 2 sisters became popular already since they have played a good part in fashion world as what some sources say, especially between France and Los Angeles.

They were first photographed by Scott Schuman of The Satorialist, Sama and Haya were an instant hit in the fashion world due to their effortless sense of style composed of bold prints and great textures. No matter the risks they take, Sama and Haya’s mutual and individual styles always revert back to their classic fashion roots inspired by their mother, Rula, "who owns an upscale boutique in Saudi Arabia." Based on what some sources said.

Their favorite designers include Chanel,YSL,and Jill Sander.
On top of having a coveted sense of style, these are two smart, gorgeous ethnic girls with loads of ambition and heaps creativity as you will learn from interviews and following them on social media.
Not from along time, the girls were featured in Chanel’s Dubai photo exhibition for Little black jacketThe exhibition featured Karl Lagerfeld’s favorite muses photographed in the staple and timeless Chanel classic.


Fashion has always been a grand part of their lives, but at the moment, the twins are studying fine Art and film at the University of Southern California-making them a bit more relatable to us college girls.


If you are interested to read about the twins in Arabic, then please check out the Arabic article that I have attached for you down below:



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