Love Is A Verb

Bedor Alobaidi

If you find your soul mate keep him/her and never give up on them nor waste your time on bunch of unnecessary excuses.

Love is a verb, love is caring, and caring means sharing whether by talk or action. Keep your honesty , don't change and act normally. If the person really care for who you are then nothing should stop or confuses him/her no matter what.

Putting your complete trust within the person you feel yourself comfortable talking to meaning that you've made a lifetime decision. A lifetime decision means, you are gradually seeing yourself attached to the person that you felt comfortable with, the most.

But, be careful, don't give too much care and emotions while you are not feeling you're getting the same feeling, on the other hand.

Let them understand you better, and give them their absolute time figuring out who you really are , and find out more about your value ...
Let the time passes without rushing or stressing yourself out. Believe in yourself and let your other half know they got the same amount of thinking, planning for future , give them a share in your life .. Because if you do, then pretty much you've reached the basic steps of being in love with that one you are waiting for and you wish to continue your life with.

ONLY, if you think you almost gotten to feel you cannot live a day without hearing from the other person who luckily means something to you and you ONLY!


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