The Soulful Gaze

Written and posted by Bedor Alobaidi: All content on this blog is copyrighted. It is imperative to respect this copyright when sharing any material from this blog. If you wish to share any content on social media or for educational purposes, please ensure to include my name. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or claiming of my work as your own is strictly prohibited by law. If you are interested in sharing my work, kindly quote and credit me in your publication to avoid legal consequences.

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Written & posted by Bedor Alobaidi 
Photo: Unknown-Internet. Google Images. 

The Soulful Gaze 
By: Bedor Alobaidi 

In a world of hazy skies, love's light did ignite,

As I stumbled upon a vision, a breathtaking sight.

A symphony of emotions, like a breath of fresh air,

I found myself gasping, captivated by his stare.

His eyes spoke with wisdom, a bird-like curiosity,

And with focus so intense, they unraveled my mystery.

While our words danced logically, hearts whispered in silence,

Our smiles a language, a secret alliance.

His voice, so calm, brought joy and untold warmth,

His touch, like wings, made my spirit unfold.

Oh, how I yearned to sing, to serenade his name,

To have a voice that could express my love's flame.

Surrounded by women, he charmed them with ease,

Their laughter and smiles, like a gentle breeze.

And as I stood aside, watching his body speak,

I feared it was more than liking, my heart was at its peak.

How does he do it, this enchanter of hearts?

With every word, he weaves his magical arts.

Now, I stand here, consumed by thoughts of when,

I'll see him again, and our story will transcend.

Perhaps a hug, a simple touch to convey,

The depth of my feelings, as words cannot portray.

Or a kiss on his cheek, a tender gesture to reveal,

That my love for him is genuine and real.

And in that moment, as our souls intertwine,

I hope my perfume lingers, a memory divine.

For I long to be remembered, etched in his mind,

A love that's everlasting, a treasure to find.

Bedor Alobaidi 


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